Bridge Notes

Tony Hinde and Judy Mobbs (pictured) were North/South winners last Monday.

By Neil Bonnell, Warwick Bridge Club

The Teams Championship gets under way this week, with the postponed Individual Championship likely to take place in November.

What a host of opportunities was lost on Board 1 (above) last Friday! Most North/South pairs played in diamonds by South, making nine tricks for 110 matchpoints, but according to the computer analysis the defence should take seven tricks to declarer’s six. Only one West player found the winning lead of the Ace of hearts, but didn’t continue with a low heart for partner to trump and return a club. West could win with the Jack and lead another heart, also trumped by East, who leads back another club, won by East’s Ace when the King appears. Now West can lead West’s remaining heart for yet another ruff by East. It would then be time to switch to a spade to set up a spade winner. One spade, one heart, three diamond ruffs and two clubs comes to seven. North/South winners Noela Collins and Mavis Simpson shared a top with Neil and Beverly Bonnell when they found their heart fit. With Noela and Beverly as declarer at their respective tables they made nine tricks for 140 matchpoints

But what about the opportunity missed by East/West? East can hardly be blamed for not entering the auction, but according to the computer analysis, East/West can make ten tricks in either clubs or spades. This will require some cross-ruffing, but when the club finesse works, there are five club tricks to go with the solid trumps. The only certain contract for North/South is 2H, requiring only eight tricks.

Results: Monday, 18/10/21 (5-table Mitchell): N/S T. Hinde J. Mobbs (65.6) 1; N. Collins M. Simpson (54.7) 2. E/W T. Graham D. Moran (65.5) 1; P, Kelly J. Nankervis (54.3) 2. Friday, 22/10/21 (6-table Mitchell): N. Collins M. Simpson (65.0) 1; N. Bonnell B. Bonnell (61.3) 2; T. Graham J. Nankervis (49.3) 3. E/W J. Rose D. Moran (68.0) 1; L. Munson T. Hinde (51.7) 2; B. Reid J. McKeen (50.3) 3.