Beat the pro

Gary Adcock played on a wing and a prayer in the latest round ofInvitation "Beat the Pro." He is pictured wing in sling with Warwick Pro Sam Eaves.

By Casey O'Connor

In recent weeks, selected members of Warwick Sporters have competed in the invitational ‘Beat the Pro’’ contest where Sam Eaves gives a couple of extra handicap strokes for a match play game.

First up was Unlucky Gary Adcock, who disavowed his sobriquet (google that if need be) and put Sam to the sword, relieving him of a greenback.

Sam took this loss stoically (not) showing all the restraint of a mafia Don seeking return revenge.

Gary made good on his pre-game sledge of being able to play with one hand and still win.

Next up was The Loin King, who confidently spruiked that he would also win the gold medal.

Unfortunately, this time Sam was on his game and easily relieved Ross of a redback.

Ross took his loss in good spirits, and we are pleased to report that after counselling he is now less likely to self-destruct.