Letters to the editor

This week's letter is from Cr Cynthia McDonald.

The Slow Tango

Whilst some readers may prefer ’Mac Action at Council’, I prefer the ‘Slow Tango at Council’. The Slow Tango is a highly skilful yet gracious dance. When driven by passion in the right direction it can dazzle. Just one wrong step can end in catastrophe for the person who missteps. However, utilising those elegant movements in the right manner can achieve a spectacular outcome.

In response to the Mr. L. Ross article dated the 16 June 2022, titled ‘Mac Action at Council’, in the Warwick and Stanthorpe Today, I would like to make the following comments.

Firstly, in accordance with a recent briefing from the Local Government Association of Queensland, SDRC were advised that the vast majority of complaints against Councillors appear to be propagated by other Councillors with an axe to grind, which is otherwise known as petty politicking. These Councillors often operate through pseudonyms or provide information to third parties to air their grievances publicly. They are often not willing to debate an issue in open session, preferring to operate behind closed doors and in a clandestine manner. Then, when an individual Councillor chooses to vote on an issue in accordance with their conscience, experience or specialist knowledge, they are attacked publicly through the local media for not holding the line.

I will not respond to the individual points raised by the poison pen of Mr. L. Ross, but as I have in the past, encourage him (if he even exists) to contact me in person to discuss his continued grievances with my views in Council.

I stand by my campaign title of working for the ‘Town and Country’ and regardless of the issue being discussed, weigh individual circumstances with SDRC Planning Regulations at all times. Mr. Ross fails to highlight the multitude of other planning decisions endorsed by SDRC Councillors that have also gone against planning requirements. No two cases are ever the same in the real world.

If Mr. Ross would like to meet with me on any given Tuesday or Wednesday at the Warwick Cattle or Sheep sales, I would be glad to introduce him to some of the constituents that support my position on Rural issues.

Respectfully Mrs. Cynthia McDonald

(These views are my personal opinions and not those of SDRC).

Editor’s Note: This letter was received after COB last Monday and therefore did not make it into last week’s paper. We encourage readers to submit their letters before midday on a Monday to ensure we allocate enough space for this content.