Students planting trees in Ballandean

Students gathered at Ballandean State School to plant trees last week.

Students gathered at Ballandean State School to plant trees last week.

Ballandean State School Principal, Susan Evans, said the project came about through a group of students from Stanthorpe State High School who are part of the Young Achievers Program.

“An aspect of this program is to organise and run a community project,” she said.

Susan said these students chose to plant a native garden at Ballandean State School, with the help of students, their families and staff.

“As well as explaining why native plants are so important to have in a garden, the high schoolers explained the importance of caring for our environment, native flora and fauna and how we can make positive environmental choices every day.”

Susan thanked Megan Carnell, Freya Hill, Joshua Paech, and Lauren Coelli for their work.

She also thanked local businesses for their support, including Mitre 10 Stanthorpe, Mick’s Nursery Stanthorpe and Bunnings Warwick for their plant donations and Woolworths for their sausages.

Susan said that “students are very excited about the prospect of having even more wrens, parrots, robins and honeyeaters to watch throughout their school day”.