ARK petition presented to council

Brianna Barlow with her daughter Cameliana, Jerry Perrin, Ann Simon, Drew Plint, and Ron Simon at council with the petition on Tuesday morning.

Residents are calling for Southern Downs Regional Council (SDRC) to establish a low-cost, ongoing desexing program for cats and dogs.

Warwick-based animal welfare charity Southern Downs ARK has presented a petition with 1423 signatures, demanding the council establish a community desexing scheme in partnership with the National Desexing Network (NDN).

The NDN runs the program free of charge and requires only a modest annual subsidy from council.

“The council’s animal management strategies have failed this community,” ARK president Ann Simon said.

“Cat overpopulation, in particular, is a problem and it’s getting worse, not better.

“The 1423 people who signed the petition took the time to understand the issue, which sends a

clear message that council must start subsidising desexing if the problem of indiscriminate breeding is ever to be addressed effectively.”

Ann said if it was good enough for the Scenic Rim, Lockyer Valley, Fraser Coast, Gold Coast

and many other regions to have council-sponsored, low-cost desexing, Southern Downs should be

getting on board.

“Progressive councils have found it’s far cheaper to subsidise desexing than it is to collect, hold and

euthanise an endless number of impounded cats and dogs,” she said.

“It’s a no-brainer, especially if you factor in the costs of managing the progeny of unwanted litters,

which grow exponentially, if allowed to breed.”

Southern Downs ARK is calling on the council to allocate a minimum of $10,000 from the 2022-23

budget to a low-cost community desexing scheme.

“We wish to thank Cr Sheryl Windle for the support she’s provided to date,” Ann said.

“We’re still waiting and hoping for the Mayor and other councillors to come on board as this issue

will not go away.”