Hooray For Hollywood

By Judy Flitcroft

The stage is set at Little Theatre for Our Own Guys and Dolls to entertain you from Hollywood, on Saturday 30 April at 7 pm and Sunday 1 May at 2 pm. Put on your best bling and come for a walk down the red carpet – ( even if it is blue )- and enjoy songs from the movies we all loved.

Movies such as Judy Garland’s, “Meet Me in St Louis”, Hugh Jackman’s, “The Greatest Showman”, a song from the original “A Star is Born”, to Lady Gaga’s “Shallow” from the latest “A Star is Born”. You can reminisce with Mel Whyte and Jennifer Watters as “They Remember it Well” from “Gigi.”

Our newest talented find is Lee Tuvukica who sings two songs from “Aladdin” and you will love his performance of “Pretty Woman.” Mapa has a great version of “Stuck on You”, – (not the Elvis version) – BUT Elvis will be in the house to thank you very much.

Our photo shows Debbie Craven who will perform the song, “Summertime” from Porgy and Bess. “Come up and see (us) me some time.” Do you know the answer to who said that? Let our Mr. Movies enlighten you.