Celebrating all religions

World Religion Day was started in America in 1949 by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of the United States.

World Religion Day was started in America in 1949 by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of the United States. It is commemorated on the third Sunday in January each year across the world with the aim of fostering interfaith understanding and harmony, and focusing on those common truths that are at the core of each religion.

All religions have as one of their main principles, the Golden Rule, to treat others as you would have them treat you, to assist and offer kindness and love to your neighbour, and to be patient in times of adversity and to rely on God.

We accept that humanity is one; although incredibly diverse in race and culture, we are one species, one people, one human race. So too can the religions be seen as one. If there is only one God, creator of the universe, then must not the Founders of the great religions like Krishna, Abraham, the Buddha, Jesus Christ, Muhammad and Baha’u’llah, be sent from this one Source. By the example of these prophets’ lives, their teachings and laws, they have changed individuals’ hearts and minds and been the animating spiritual source in the rise of civilisations and the progress of humanity.