Spring Flower Show results

By Beatrice Hawkins

The Warwick Horticultural Society held its 109th Spring Flower Show in St Mary’s Hall, Warwick, on Wednesday and Thursday 18 and 19 October.

Champion Rose, Classes one to 11 was K. and L. Babington.

Champion Rose, Classes 12 to 29 was Annette Russell.

Champion Rose, classes 30 to 34 went to Angles O’Mara.

Champion Individual Rose of Show went to K. and L. Babington.

Champion flower, Classes 35 to 94 went to Charles and Rohan Shann.

Champion cut trees, shrubs and Australian flora went to D. Willard-Turton.

Champion Flora Art went to Margaret Armstrong.

Champion Junior Prep to Year 3 went to Ryan and Felicity King.

Plants in Containers was Dale Willard-Turton.

Champion Orchid went to Dennis Frank.

Champion Vegetable went to Merle Bamberry.

*This is an old article that has been digitised so our readers have access to our full catalogue.