
By Bob Wilson

Local writer and journalist – and songwriter and musician – BOB WILSON shares his latest ‘Observations’ column this week…

You may not immediately deduce from the headline that we are about to embark upon a discourse about the Census, which will happen in Australia on or about August 10, 2021.

I say on or about because the on-line version of the head count can be filled in electronically on or a few days after August 10. You just have to declare where you actually were on Census night. As you will recall, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) held its first on-line census in 2016. There was a major glitch on Census night (August 9) when the ABS website crashed, leaving millions of citizens perplexed. In October 2019, a Census test was held across 100,000 households to assess ‘end-to-end operational readiness’ for the 2021 Census.

In 2016, about 37% of people opted to fill in the paperwork and wait for an official collector to come calling. This time, the ABS says it expects a better than 63% on-line response, given research that shows Australians prefer to complete the census on-line.

Taking a once in five years snapshot of the country’s population is an expensive exercise, budgeted at $565 million. The ABS will recruit 34,000 people, including 20,000 field staff.

Named after the Latin word ‘censere’, meaning estimate, the Roman census was the most developed of any in the ancient world. The Romans conducted their census every five years. The Roman Empire used this information to extract duties from its citizens.

An ABS history page says the first known census was taken by the Babylonians in 3,800 BC, nearly 6,000 years ago.

“Records suggest that it was taken every six or seven years and counted the number of people, livestock, quantities of butter, honey, milk, wool and vegetables.”

So yes, there is an historical precedent for the (compulsory) collection of personal data from every household in the country.

You may remember in 2015 Prime Minister Tony Abbott tried to axe the census to save money. It didn’t happen; such change requiring a new Act of Parliament. To be fair to Abbott, both the Fraser and Keating governments sought to abolish the census for the same reason.

Sydney Morning Herald journalist Peter Martin unearthed a little-known fact in 2013 while writing about other countries which had tinkered with changes. As Martin noted, Britain had, for a long time, been trying to abolish its census (held once a decade since 1801). The government held an inquiry in 2013 to find ways to update the way the UK collects data. This year’s census will be the last. Thereafter, the UK will ‘harvest the data people generate in their everyday lives’.

‘Apolitical’, a social network for civil servants, observed that other countries are moving in this direction or have already done so, including the US, Norway and Finland.

“Rather than survey citizens, statisticians would collect the data traces left behind by people’s everyday interactions with government. Data is collected from welfare and tax departments, housing and vehicle registrations or our health records.”

In 2010, Canada’s Harper government tried to replace its census with a voluntary survey, prompting the shock resignation of Canada’s chief statistician, Munir Sheikh.

Following his resignation, Dr Sheikh, once described by a colleague as ‘the best economist in Canada’, expressed his disapproval of the government’s decision, saying that a voluntary survey could not replace a census.

Following the reinstatement of the mandatory census in 2015, Canada is preparing to hire 32,000 census enumerators and crew leaders to survey its vast country in May, 2021.

New Zealand also considered replacing its census, using data from government departments to determine its population. The country’s last census was in 2018 but it is already gearing up for 2023.

Some governments have encountered deep social opposition to certain questions. Former President Trump wanted a Citizenship question in the 2020 Census. He backed off after a wave of hostilities that included a threatened boycott.

In July 2019, he realised there was no time left to have the question included in the 2020 Census papers. So he issued an executive order calling on agencies to turn over citizenship data to the Commerce Department.

In the first few days of his administration, President Biden rescinded this directive. Litigation about this issue argued that citizenship data could have politically benefited Republicans when voting districts are redrawn.

The idea of trying to run a country without a census horrifies Peter McDonald, Emeritus Professor of Demography at The Australian National University.

“The problem in Australia is that we have no reasonable alternative to the census,” he told Observations. “From an accuracy (and privacy) perspective, the census is better by a long way than trying to combine various administrative data bases. Without the census, the States would continually claim that their population was larger than it actually was. And every other group that received funding on a population basis would do likewise.”

The other controversial question on census forms is the one about religion. In 2001, the UK re-introduced the question (not asked since 1851), largely as an attempt to calculate the size of the Muslim population. Some 390,000 people in England listed their ‘religion’ as Jedi. This also happened in New Zealand and Australia, with 70,000 people nominating Jedi as their religion in 2001, dropping to 48,000 in 2016. The ABS does not publish the data as Jedi is not a recognised religion.

In Australia, the religion question has been ‘optional’ since the first Census in 1911. The box ‘no religion’ is a recent addition.

Curiously (well, I think it is curious), the ABS confirmed that 90% of people answered the question in recent censuses. If your religion is not listed, the form provides space to enter the data. Because of this response, the ABS holds data on 150 religions in Australia.

Meanwhile, if you are interested, the ABS is still recruiting field officers for Census 2021. Only 145 more sleeps, people.

*This is an old article that has been digitised so our readers have access to our full catalogue.